Thursday, November 13, 2008

Installing Windvane Self Steering Gear Part 4 - 187

Note: If you have been referred here by another site, this is only part of a multipart series.  To see the rest of the story click here and start from the bottom.
This is what your windvane looks like when you first receive it.  A box of parts.  If you ever received an unassembled bicycle as a gift when you were a child, this is very similar.  Every part is beautiful.  Again, I am going to beat the preparation drum when it comes time to install your windvane.  I would suggest taking a marker and labeling each part as it is called in the installation manual so that you know what each part is called before you start assembling and BEFORE you start measuring the boat for drilling holes.  
It took me an actual 8 hours to install my windvane, and everything went well with no cursing and holes in the wrong place.  I know how incredibly stupid I can be during the installation process, but I have found through the years that and hour of prep time saves three hours of installation and setup time of anything I touch.   I have heard of people spending a week trying to get a windvane on their boat.  A week of ten hour days.  Over 60 hours.  
Stop, slow down, mark, touch, lay the whole thing down on the ground and get familiar with it.    Now, before you rush to the drilling holes part.

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