Wednesday, September 30, 2009


We have made it into Nome. I was getting really good at making Valve springs for myself. We have had No wind (with a capital N) since our friendly little storm left us behind. Any movement you have seen since then is me getting just a little bit more out of the engine. I was actually getting about an hour of runtime out of each valve spring redneck special. The last runtime was for two and a half hours. Then, just when I thought I was going to make it into Nome harbor, I discovered that the Valves on this engine CAN fall into the cylinder, requiring me to pull the cylinder head. We were four miles out. Bobbing around. I called into Nome, and traded our shotgun for a tow back into town. We are tied up to a floating dock. WE ARE TIED UP TO A FLOATING DOCK! Sorry, just got a little excited there. We can, you know, step off of our boat and go for a walk. Nome itself is a real town. With roads. Deb says to me as we are walking, "You know, this is kind of exciting." Amen honey, amen.



Anonymous said...

Dave was wondering what your first action would be when you reached the shore... did you kiss the ground? After the past few days you all must be exhausted and ready for a few days rest on land. Are you planning to winter in Valdez or heading further south? Thoughts and prayers are with you! Glad you are securely tied to the dock! Dave & Donna from Ellsworth MI (Carrie Elzinga's Dad & Mom)

Anonymous said...

So glad you made it to Nome. Would have loved to see it my self.
Blessings to all of you. Miss ya lots.
Lena and Tue

Anonymous said...

Rolland if you were in Newfoundland you would not have needed to trade your gun for a tow. Folks would have towed you in for free and then invited you home for supper and asked if you had any laundry. The following day they would have fixed the engine with you and whats more we don't need guns in Newfoundland. The blog is great.

Anonymous said...

Glad you all made it to Nome. If you were in Wainwright, you would have had at least three boats to tow you in the lagoon for free.
Do keep us updated once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to provide any further updates, or have we "lost" you for the winter in Nome?

DRS in Vancouver