Wednesday, July 14, 2010

From Russia with Love

Precipice is sailing toward Russia. We had our bad weather right off, a short bit of 25-30kt winds followed by a night of 20-25kt steady winds. Waves never got more than 8ft tall, but were very square and we were beating into them. When we sail into the waves the deck and us get wet. Our first 24 Hours we sailed all but 9. We took on crew for this trip, our guide for Russia, Sue. Sue has done two sailing trips on the Bearing Sea on a Russian sailboat and is a great hand to have on board. We are all getting much more sleep than we are accustomed to on passage. In a couple of hours we expect another low to pass over us, and a repeat of last nights weather. We hope to be in Russia tomorrow if we don't break anything tonight. Our Propusk (paperwork that allows us to travel within Chukotka) unexpectedly allows us to visit the city Anadyr as well as Providenya. We are excited. The adventure continues.

I have received many messages goading me to blog more. I have been glued to Precipice getting her ready for this trip and whatever else we end up doing this year. The Northwest Passage is tough on a vessel. Every thing seems to be working good, with just a few bugs to work out. Our engine, rig, sails, and hull are all ready for travel.

It is really good to be back under sail again, and back in our home.


Life 102 said...

Safe travels guys!! Can't wait to hear about your adventures, blog when you can. Be safe and have fun.

Ken said...

Glad to hear your underway. I'll be following along.
Eastern Russia...WOW!

ben said...

I was wondering if you could provide some details on getting the Propusk permit... I've heard it's very difficult. Did you hire Sue as the required guide (I've heard you need to have a Chukotka licensed guide with you). If you don't mind sharing - how much is that costing you? It's been my dream to sail to Hokkaido Japan via the Bering Straight for years.