Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dolphins and other things . . .

So our day of no wind with cold rain, drizzle and fog turned into a night of no wind, cold rain, drizzle and heavy fog. This morning the sun came out and so we have a gloriously beautiful morning with no fog, and no wind. We are starting to think that the guy who is rowing across the Atlantic Ocean right now had the right idea. He is probably further out than we are by now. Just because we have claimed this particular spot on the Atlantic to fly our limp sails doesn't mean that the journey is at a halt. Right now the girls are outside watching a pod of 30 dolphins play around our boat. Deb is catching up on sleep after doing the 0330-0730 four hour morning watch. I am on watch soaking up sunshine and moving things around so they dry out in the sun. This is part of being on the adventure in a sailboat.

Rolland for the Trowbridges

1 comment:

Teri Marzano said...

Just curious about your Pudgy. We just purchased one for our Mariner Girl Scout troop. We are having some trouble receiving all parts and sailing rig. Did you experience difficulties? So far, we love the boat, but haven't been able to sail it, since we don't have the sail and rig.