Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just enough wind . .

We have just enough wind to keep a steady heading. This makes us happy. We have gotten a schedule down now and are mostly acclimated to life on passage. We are reading the lonely planet guide to Greenland and learning about places we can go. Jannelle and Bianca have an amazing ability to sleep 15 hours a day on passage. Deb and I wish we could, but watch duty and boat chores call.

We have a really good sealife manual and we have been identifying the different birds and sealife we see along the way. Deb really enjoys the Storm Petrels. They are a quick little bird that follow the mastlight at night. They chatter pleasantly back and forth as they play around the boat.

Deb read "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway to the girls which they really enjoyed. Jannelle says that the book is really about how much a human can endure. I just finished reading "The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the Northwest Passage and the North Pole 1818-1909" by Pierre Berton. It sounds boring, but is well written and is anything but. I have read about almost every person mentioned in the book, but this book puts the whole picture together and is in much more depth. I would reccommend it.

If you have tried to send us email, our HF Email account is set so that it only allows emails in to addresses I have sent to already. If I have sent you email and you cannot reply, try using the same address that I sent it to. This happens when people use their gmail account to access work emails. I send email to your work address and you reply from gmail. It wont make it to me. I will change the settings when I get bandwidth and the airmail site is back up. I may also be trying another HF radio email provider - something I will set up when I get to civilization.

Every night we talk on the Ham Radio to the radio net in St. John's NL. It is a nice connection to have. We have made good friends in Newfoundland.

Rolland for the Trowbridges

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